Duncan Wong
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Born into a California family of yogis, mystic and artists, Duncan Wong began his life training as a kickboxer, wild biker and nature adventurist. A path that led him to the healing fields of yoga, bodywork and dance. After a life of intensive global teaching and 10 years of Asian residency and exploration with various masters, he now lives in the deep forest of Kyoto Japan where he raises his two sons with his Japanese family. Known as the creator and innovator of Modern Warrior Flow, which he originally named Yogic Arts™ to define the practice as a goal to the artistic expressions and states of yoga, Duncan's unique and fluid practice combines the intelligence of yoga, the intuition of dance, the heart of martial arts, and the healing touch of massage, that has evolved into the name Flow Arts to best define its expansion that reaches far beyond the limits of classical yoga, into the realm of authentic organic self-expressed motion.
Flow Arts is perhaps best defined as a 'cross core counter spiral wave motion source power transpersonal fluid motion dynamics flow therapy'.
Duncan sensei integrated experience in the global fields of Astanga Vinyasa yoga, Buddhist martial arts, Zen meditation and Thai bodywork spans four decades. 10 years advanced Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga practice as taught by Sri K.P. Jois and Sharath Rangaswami in Mysore, India, California and New York City. 10 years Intensive Jivamukti yoga training as taught by Sharon Gannon and David Life in New York City. 10 years advanced Kuk Sool Won™ Korean Buddhist martial arts training and competitive combat as taught by Sun Im Kwahn Jang Nym, S. J. Suh at the San Francisco studio headquarters. 10 years of Siddha yoga Tantric Shavaism shaktipat studies as taught by Gurumayi Swami Chidvilasananda in California, New York and Ganeshpuri, India Ashrams. 20 years of ongoing transpersonal bodywork therapy with various masters across Asia and America.
He is a pioneer and globally leading proponent in the field of yogic flow motion dynamics that infuses the natural balance of mantra wisdom, warrior flow technology, urban modern dance rhythm and healing bodywork therapy. Many of today's new generation star teachers have been fundamentally influenced by his early systematic cross core synthesis training research and innovation in the arenas of yoga and movement. His legacy lives through his 'Yogic Løve Wârrior' communities who share their passion for the Yogic Flow Arts practice under the guidance of Duncan sensei's ongoing trainings. This expression of many wonderful yogis and yoginis who share the common thread of a practising profession and sustainable conscious lifestyle forms the power of this living system.
The Global Yogic Flow Arts Love Warrior Yogis form the foundation and expansion of this living international system. The practice was born from a lifetime of practice and investigation into the combined fields of healing, empowerment and Self-mastery, and continues to blossom and evolve with each student's shared experience on the mat. Duncan‘s undying commitment to guide his students 'inner standing' into the path of excellence and eventually teaching skills via the awakening of peoples humanity and common strength through a down to earth practical approach to mindfulness and sustainable living.
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3 STUDIOS / 3 STYLES flow / therapy / mudra

Day Tripper or Week-Long Kyoto zen yoga forest retreat at Duncan sensei's private home retreat center nested between mountains along a pure stream surrounded by rice fields and stunning nature.

Mudra Flowshops + Paris Fest Classes

Luxuriate and Recharge in an Umbrian Paradise Location on Earth with a Magical Teaching and Staff Team with Saline Pool, Hamam Steam, Organic Garden Cuisine and an affordable regional wine cellar with mountain stream waterfall hikes to create memories to last a lifetime!
1980 - 1986
Labor Worker
San Francisco, California
1987 - 1997
Full-Time Yoga Instruction San Francisco,
California New York CIty, New York
Teach San Francisco Street Gang Youths
(Returning to his challenged youthful past, Duncan supports misguided youth involved in street crime activity and lifestyle with new ways of seeing the world and encouraging self developed opportunity in their lives)
1990 - 2000
Siddha Yoga Meditation & Yoga Philosophy Training
Oakland, California, New York New York, Ganeshpuri, India
Yogic Arts System & Studio are Established
Oakland, California, U.S.A.
First Northern California Recipient of the Congressional Youth Award
(There are only two types of awards from the United States of America Congress in Washington D.C.; the Congressional Award for war heroes and the Congressional Youth Award for community leaders that excel from a challenged life and return to offer guidance to challenged youth in inner city environments).
White House, Washington, D.C., USA
W.K.S.A. Global Competition World Champion
Gold Medal Recipient in Lightweight Class Combat, Katana & Kata Divisions
Yoga Journal Magazine Duncan Wong Cover Model
Ashtanga Vinyasa (First Flow Yoga System) Global Yoga Boom Begins
(At that time the Yoga Journal USA Based magazine was the only yoga magazine in existence and it was a global publication)
1995 January Issue, San Francisco, California
1995 - 2005
Teach Bali Orphans, Jakarta Street Children, and Homeless South Indian Children
(Duncan Sensei makes regular visits to places like Bali, Indonesia, India and China, to support various youth living in extremely challenged environments to make a difference in their lives)
1998 - 2005
Full-Time Yogic Arts Instruction
New York City, New York
Yogic Arts New York Studio is Established
SoHo, New York City, U.S.A.
1999 - 2002
Warner Brothers National Cable TV Network Program Host
New York City, New York
2000 - Present
Yogic Arts Teacher Certification, Workshops & Student Education Courses
Graz, Austria
Hamburg, Germany
London, England
Oslo, Norway
Paris, France
San Diego, California
New York, New York
Miami, Florida
Puerto Valla Jalisco
Mexico City
Shanghai, P.R.C
Beijing, P.R.C
Shenzen, P.R.C
2000 - Present
Annual Yogic Lifestyle Global Lecture Tours
Europe America Asia
2000 - Present
USA Duncan Wong Collection Apparel Line Established
2000 - 2005
Private Celebrity Client Yogic Arts Trainer
Europe America Asia
2000 - 2005
USA & Europe Media Campaign
Keyword Search: Duncan Wong / Yogic Arts
2005 - 2010
Asia Media Campaign
Keyword Search: Duncan Wong / Yogic Arts
China Yogic Arts Studio is Established
Shanghai, P.R.C.
2006 - 2008
NHK TV Duncan Wong Documentary & TV Talent Programming
Tokyo, Japan
Japan DVD & Book Yogic Arts Published
USA DVD's Yogic Arts: Awakening Level & Source Power Published
2008 - 2010
Japan Duncan Wong Brand Apparel Line Established
London DVD Division is Established
(USA DVD's become formatted & available to Europe) Germany
Austria / Switzerland / England
2010 - 2012
SKY TV Network Yogic Arts Programming
Yogic Arts DVD's reformatted for EU (European Union) Television Programming
New Duncan Wong Brand Apparel Line Established
2015 - 2020
Establish Bochi Bochi yoga space studio in Kashihara, Nara Japan as Teacher Director
2016 - 2018
Establish Kyoto Yoga Shala Downtown Kyoto Boutique Studio 2-Year Resident Project
2018 - Present
Establish KYOTO YOGA ZENDO, Kyoto Forest Zen Yoga Retreat Center
2018 - Present
Establish PYT (PRO YOGA THERAPY), Kansai (West Japan) Personal Yoga Therapy Mobile Studio Practice
Official Martial Arts Training Begins
San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
1986 - 1990
Open Ring Fighter
San Francisco, California
Yoga Therapy Training Begins
San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
C.Y.T (Certified Yoga Teacher)
San Franciso Hatha Yoga Foundation
San Francisco, California
C.M.T. (Certified Massage Therapist)
International School of Massage Therapy
San Francisco, California
Buddhist Martial Arts Training Begins
San Francisco, California
C.B.B. (Certified Black Belt 1st Dan)
W.K.S.A. (World Kuk Sool Association)
San Francisco, California
C.B.B. (Certified Black Belt 2nd Dan)
W.K.S.A. (World Kuk Sool Association)
San Francisco, California
India Astanga Vinyasa Yoga Training Begins
A.Y.R.I. (Astanga Yoga Research Institute)
Mysore, South India
C.Y.T. (Certified Yoga Teacher)
Jivamukti Yoga School
New York, New York
A.A.Y.T. (Authorized Astanga Yoga Teacher)
A.Y.R.I. (Astanga Yoga Research Institute)
Vinyasa Chikitsa (Movement Therapy) Instruction Authorization
Astanga Yoga Research Institute
Mysore, South India
2000 - Present
Advanced Training with W.K.S.A. Senior Korean Master, Sun Im Kwahn Jang Nym
Houston, Texas Head Quarters & Taegu, South Korea Mountain Retreat
2011 - Present
Fatherhood of Twin Sons Attained and Maintained